After months of deliberation, a week or so of panic, and a day's worth of travel totaling just under 7000 km, I've finally arrived. Sallanches, a little town in the heart of the French Alps. At about 16 000 inhabitants, it thankfully doesn't meet one online forum poster's description of "grim". Nestled in a valley between mountains, and dappled with the unique beauty of European architecture, "quaint" or "lovely" would be a more appropriate description.
Despite being jet lagged and more than a little tired upon my arrival, Sallanches greeted me with a stunning rainbow that hugged the city:
However, from my place on a bench in the town square, the rainbow (and myself for that matter), did not go unnoticed. Despite his sunny (drunk) disposition, this fellow turned out to be a little too friendly. Upon rejecting his advances, it was quickly pointed out that I was racist, after which I took my leave and proceeded to the local brasserie to relax with a beer. Although my first encounter with a local in the town was less than ideal, at least I was left with this memory:

I haven't encountered any more outlandish accusations, as the hotel owners and other people I've encountered have been helpful and courteous. My accent gets noticed but usually sparks conversation, so it's been a blast speaking French, and I can't wait to start picking up some of the local dialect. So far, so good. The only thing missing so far is an apartment, and my Canadian loved ones! <3
A view of Mont Blanc from Sallanches:
Le Hôtel du Mont Blanc (my current residence):